Promote with our experience and through a personalized approach, the transformation of your processes, increasing the performance of your equipment for a more efficient and effective agricultural operation
Agronomists and professionals, with extensive practical experience in the development of agricultural management systems and work with interdisciplinary teams aimed at achieving objectives.
Rafael is an Agricultural Engineer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Master in organic production from the Universidad de Barcelona, today he has been working for 7 years as a private consultant in information management systems and continuous improvement. His previous experience in the technical coordination of large fruit production units, and implementation of improvement systems are key to his good understanding of the agricultural business and its challenges.
Pablo is a former client of the Consulting Company in its beginnings, captivated by the scope and positive impacts in the way of managing information, today he is part of Compas, contributing with his long experience Management of fruit orchards of Table Grapes, Cherry Trees and Stones , in Chile and the United States, in addition to his experience in technical assistance to fruit producers in Chile and Egypt. Pablo is an agronomist from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.
Dunixe is an Agricultural Engineer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Master in Physiology and Plant Production from the same University. Dunixe also brings us her long experience in consulting companies in the research and development areas, as well as a long career in commercial and regulatory work at Syngenta Chile.
Diego is one of the founders of the consulting firm, working with Rafael for more than 5 years developing information management systems for companies in the aquaculture, mining and, of course, agricultural areas. Diego is a Civil Engineer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso and he is the one who computer-supports the solidity of our improvement system.
Silvia delivers to Compas all of her orders and her capacity for data analysis and development of improvements and processes for our clients. Silvia is an Agrotechnical Engineer and she has been part of our consulting firm for 3 years
Training of teams in the information management methodology and approach to continuous improvement
Supporting the implementation of planning, control and audit systems to ensure consistent and sustainable improvements
Strategic use of information technologies to summarize, visualize, analyze and have accurate information when making decisions.
We promote the optimization of Information Management, directing it towards obtaining results through:
We promote the optimization of Information Management, focusing it on obtaining results.
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